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Personal Heaven
by Mackenzie Thomas


Exhibition Text

Leiminspace proudly presents PERSONAL HEAVEN a solo exhibition of recent works by Comedian

and Artist Mackenzie Thomas. The opening reception takes place on Saturday, March 5th, from

7-10 pm. In order to accommodate for the safety of our community, we ask that all visitors wear face masks when entering the space. The exhibition will remain open for viewing during typical open hours, Thursdays - Saturdays, 1-6 pm until March 31st, 2022.

Welcome to PERSONAL HEAVEN, a solo exhibition of recent works by comedic artist Mackenzie Thomas of "Mackenzie Thomas Industries". The exhibition opens in tandem with the release of Thomas' newest zine by the same name. The zine and the installation represent two aspects of PERSONAL HEAVEN, a project in which the artist documents and celebrates her movement from a longstanding sadness to a state of well-being and joy. Through PERSONAL HEAVEN, Thomas shares the visual aspect of her studio practice, which comprises comedy and video art, enjoyed by many via her TikTok account @dumbmackenzie. In this space, Thomas creates a constellation of thoughtfully collected ephemera foraged from her immediate environment during the past year- photographs, plush toys, scanned drawings and canvases index the artists' recent travels toward a lighter world- view. In a handmade language reminiscent of reblogs and soft grunge, Thomas honors ordinary keepsakes like read receipts, neighborhood strays, lunch breaks, corporate logos, 7-11 snacks, and dirty window selfies. Through these commonplace and sometimes seedy treasures, Thomas shares a perspective which does not place a filter on preciousness, but which deeply cherishes all that which is immediately present no matter how small or how mundane. We invite you to use this language for mindfulness to create a drawing to share with us.


利民空間⾃自豪的呈獻喜劇演員和藝術家 ⿆麥肯齊·托⾺馬斯 (Mackenzie Thomas) 近期作品的個展 - 《個 ⼈人天堂》。︒開幕酒會於 3 ⽉月 5 ⽇日星期六晚上 7 點至 10 點舉⾏行。︒為了適應我們社區的安全,我們要 求所有訪客在進入空間時都戴上⼜⼝口罩。︒展覽將在典型的開放時間(週四至週六,下午 1 點至 6 點) 繼續開放供觀看,直至 2022 年 3 ⽉月 31 ⽇日。︒

利民空間很榮幸為喜劇藝術家⿆麥肯齊·托⾺馬斯 (Mackenzie Thomas)的近期作品個展 《個⼈人天堂》。︒ 這次展覽與托⾺馬斯最新的同名雜誌的發⾏行同時開幕。︒該雜誌和裝置代表了個⼈人天堂的兩個⽅方⾯面, 在這個項⽬目中,藝術家記錄和慶祝她從長期的悲傷到幸福和快樂的狀態的運動。︒通過個⼈人天堂, 托⾺馬斯分享了她的⼯工作室實踐的視覺⽅方⾯面,其中包括喜劇和視頻藝術,許多⼈人通過她的抖⾳音帳⼾戶 @dumbmackenzie 已經享受了她的作品。︒

在這個空間裡,托⾺馬斯創造了⼀一組精⼼心收集的短暫存在的事物,這些物件是在過去⼀一年裡從她周 圍的環境中搜尋的 - 照⽚片、︑⽑毛絨玩具、︑掃描的圖紙和畫布索引了藝術家最近的旅程引向⼀一個更輕 的世界觀。︒在⼀一種讓⼈人想起轉發和軟式搖滾的⼿手⼯工語⾔言中,托⾺馬斯尊重普通的紀念品,如閱讀收 據,鄰⾥里流浪者,午餐休息時間,公司徽標,7-11⼩小吃和骯髒的窗⼾戶⾃自拍照。︒通過這些普通的, 有時是破舊的寶藏,托⾺馬斯分享了她的觀點,她沒有過濾珍貴,⽽而是深深地珍視所有出現的物件, 無論多麼⼩小或多麼平凡。︒我們邀請您使⽤用這種覺察和正念語⾔言在樓梯後⾯面創造⼀一個繪圖與我們分 享。

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